Computational Resources in R

R Packages

In the last years I have spent some time together with my students in the development of new R packages. Unditionally I support the development of free software, therefore this kink of contribution is special for me and, I believe, to my students too.

The following subject are related to the R packages we developed until now:

  • Non-central gamma distribution: this package computes the probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions and quantiles to the non-central gamma distribution. Besides, the inverse function for the non-centrality parameter is also provided. As a particular case of this distribution, there is the non-central and central chi-quared distributions. This package has the autorship of Daniel Furtado Ferreira, Izabela Regina Cardoso de Oliveira and Fernando Henrique Toledo;
  • Non-central Dunnett: package that computes the probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions and quantiles, besides generates random numbers from the distribution of the Dunnett's statistics test (for comparinson of several treatment means with control's mean) for the non-central and central cases and for the one-sided or two-sided cases. This package has the autorship of Daniel Furtado Ferreira and Siomara Cristina Broch;
  • Externally Studentized Midrange Distribution: this package computes the probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions and quantiles and generates random numbers to the externally studentized midrange distribution. This package has the autorship of Daniel Furtado Ferreira and Ben Deivide de Oliveira Batista;
  • Multiple Comparisons Based on the Externally Studentized Midrange and Range Distributions: this package perfomes multiple comparisons based in novel tests based on the distributions of the externally studentized range and midange. This package has the autorship of Daniel Furtado Ferreira and Ben Deivide de Oliveira Batista.


tar.gz Packages

The following pacages and their rescpectively download links are available below and also in the CRAN. The presentation order is the same from the above descriptions:


The packages details can be obtained from their complete documentation when they are installed or from the published articles and PhD theses. See my curriculum lattes for search of this papers.

More computational statistics resource can be found in the page computacional resurces discipline, mainly the Java codes.