Daniel Furtado Ferreira's website

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Welcome to my personal page. Here I make available some materials of my authorship, as lecture material, statistical and genetic-statistical analysis programs, exercises lists of my disciplines, software source code that I developed together with my students, as R, Java, Pascal (Delphi) code among other features. My satisfaction is to be useful and give back to society the opportunity it provides me as a governamental employee  with a little more than my service itself, i.e., the results of my work. So enjoy your visit, enjoy all the contents and have fun.

My Jewels: Lidiane and Aline

Me and Lidiane


Me and Aline



About me

I am professor in the Department of Statistics at the Federal University of Lavras since 1993. I work since then as professor of statistics, especially teaching basic statistical for undergraduate courses. I am advising and teaching master and PhD students since 1996, when our program in Statistics and Agricultural Experimentation was created. In this long period, I have being teaching disciplines such as Computational Statistics, Computing Resources, Multivariate Statistics, which is my great passion and expertise, and also Probability. I am CNPq researcher, level 1C currently, since 1996. In addition I worked for several years at the Genetics and Plant Breeding Program, from the Department of Biology at the Federal University of Lavras, where I have advised many students, especially PhD students. Those who want to know me better and see some of my trajectory, can consult my descriptive memorial, which I wrote at the time of my application for full Professor of the Department of Exact Sciences at the Federal University of Lavras. When we look back and see everything we have done, sometimes it is hard to believe. But ahead there is a very long way to go, because we can do much more. There is a phrase I often repeat to myself to never forget that I have a much more to do: "life is so short for everything I want to do!"


Research lines

My main research lines are:

  • Multivariate Statistics: proposition of new multivariate methods and tests, associated to Monte Carlo evaluation and validation of their performance;
  • Computational Statistics: numerical methods and algorithms for solutions of theoretical and applied statistical issues; Monte Carlo simulations; Bayesian inference; bootstrap and jackknife methods; other intensive computational methods; beside that, I have worked with my students in R packages for solution of specific problems in statistical related to probabilities distributions and multiple comparisons;
  • Genetic-Statistics: methods for genetics parameter estimation; estimation of marker effects (QTLs); determination by Monte Carlo Simulations of optimal genetic breeding methods;
  • Experimental Statistics: development of new methods for multiple comparison procedures and the evaluation by Monte Carlo simulations of their performance.

Other useful informations